San Pedro Plant Medicine

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All About the San Pedro/Trichocereus Cactus

 The San Pedro cactus, otherwise known as trichocereus pachanoior echinopsis pachanoi, is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains and can be found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru. In South America, you might hear the San Pedro cactus referred to as achuma, huachuma, wachuma, aguacolla, hahuacollay, or giganton. Whatever you want to call it, it is mostly well-known for its component, mescaline.

Mescaline is a naturally occurring psychedelic with hallucinogenic effects, often compared to substances like LSD and psilocybin. It is common in another cactus, peyote, and the Peruvian torch cactus.

Aside from growing naturally, the trichocereus pachanoi cactusis also cultivated around the world for traditional medicine and ornamentation. In the Andes region, it has been used for healing and religious purposes for over 3000 years.

The History of San Pedro Cactus

The San Pedro plant has been around and in use for a very long time. Archeological studies have found evidence of the San Pedro Cactus drug in use in various historic cultures.

After the Spanish conquest, Roman Catholic authorities tried to suppress the use of San Pedro cactus. Its name, however, has Catholic roots, thought to be a connection between San Pedro cactus effects, and Saint Peter who holds the keys to heaven.

In more modern times, botanists and researchers discovered the mescaline in San Pedro cactus, previously only aware of peyote. Indigenous peoples of the Andes and coastal Peru and Ecuador continue to use San Pedro cactus for ceremony and medicine.

San Pedro Cactus Effects

San Pedro Plant MedicinesCompared to peyote cactus, San Pedro is generally milder in terms of taste, nausea, and effects. The San Pedro cactus benefits offer some potential for medical usage.

Researchers have been exploring mescaline for decades, finding the possibility for links between cactus like the San Pedro and benefits like increased happiness. Mescaline activates serotonin receptors, which can help regulate mood and perception.

Another study found that mescaline use is linked to lower rates of agoraphobia, reducing anxiety about the surrounding environment. In another research study, experiments found that goldfish had improved learning rates when given mescaline doses.

Traditionally, shamanic use of San Pedro cactus and mescaline intends to treat many different ailments and afflictions including fever, high blood pressure, and bacteria thanks to its status as an anti-microbial. Traditional use also extends to treating addiction and alcoholism. These claims and uses have not been heavily researched by the Western medical community, likely owing to the mescaline’s status as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, but continue as usual for indigenous users of the plant.

The San Pedro plant has long been used for spiritual and emotional growth and exploration. The psychological effects of San Pedro cactus and mescaline include altered vision and perception of colors, sound, and the body in space and time, as well as visual images, strong emotions, and a lost sense of reality. Many users report feelings of spirituality and love, and seeing one’s surroundings as interesting, beautiful, or mystical. Though San Pedro cactus is a hallucinogen, many who use it experience a feeling of relaxation and control during their experience.

San Pedro cactus may be able to bring up memories and experiences that users can look at and confront from a new perspective, resolving issues, promoting healing, and potentially assisting in working through anxiety, depression, and similar afflictions.

San Pedro cactus drug effects can begin within one to two hours, with the peak of the experience hitting around three hours. The experience lasts about ten hours with the potential for residual stimulation on top of that. Physically, San Pedro cactus users may experience a raised body temperature, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, shaking, sweating, lack of coordination, and loss of appetite.

San Pedro cactus effects also contain some risks. Some people experience moderate to severe vomiting, headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and/or diarrhea. Research shows that mescaline poisoning is rare and that it is not linked to mental health issues.

San Pedro Cactus Experience Preparation

It is important to be prepared to take San Pedro cactus powder. Putting in the effort to set things up properly before your experience can make all the difference between a positive, beneficial journey, and one that is less pleasant.

There are many ways San Pedro cactus plant can be turned into something ingestible. San Pedro cactus powder is made from dried cactus which is ground. Some put it into capsules to completely avoid the taste of the plant. Other preparation methods include tea, resin, or drink.

Many San Pedro cactus users fast for up to 12 hours before using it, or otherwise, take it on an empty stomach to avoid nausea and help with absorption. Avoiding fatty foods, meat, alcohol, and drugs can also help make the San Pedro cactus experience a good one.

Emotionally, many prepare by meditating, reflecting, or otherwise setting intentions for their San Pedro plant medicine experience. If you go into a San Pedro cactus experience feeling negative, depressed, or worried, you may experience mental health risks.

Prepare your environment as well, ensuring that you are in a safe space with people who you trust. Using San Pedro cactus powder in a treatment-oriented space is an excellent way to do this, ensuring that your journey stays positive and healthy.

Most people prefer to consume San Pedro cactus in the morning, providing daylight for the majority of the experience.

To learn more about San Pedro cactus and how it might work into your own life and your needs, get in touch with us today.