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About the Experience
This experience will transform you in ways that you never expected, life-changing, positive and as the Spanish name Revela implies, the experience will reveal parts of you that you never knew existed. It will leave you with the beneficial parts of your self and take away those that no longer serve you.
The Botswana retreat is an opportunity to not only uncover who you are but also gets you up close and personal with nature and deeply immersed in working with some of the worlds best known indigenous healers on the planet, the Khoi San bushman. These elder healers carry with them an immense library of ancient wisdom passed down from generations. The foraging skills and plant knowledge in the harsh environment of the Kalahari desert has ensured their survival. An expedition to visit and spend time with these amazing people is a rare opportunity to catch the last of the thousands of years of soon-to disappear history. The healing trance dances, where the women control the men’s movement and he controls his level of trance through his own breath work. Never, will you feel so alien, and never have you felt so involved in anything so ancient and sacred. These ancient people will work alongside our Shaman “Queen Mother” who hails from Ghana. She brings with her years of wisdom around offering Iboga to those who want to experience a true deeper healing experience.
Why Botswana?
When we chose our spiritual sites, we most often chose them, because of the people that inhabit these places. In Botswana, the San people are believed to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest ethnic group on the earth. Genetic research indicates that all humans descend from African hunter-gatherers such as the San. We work directly with the Ju/hoansi San in the Northwestern part of the country. They are among the few that practice traditional customs and spiritual ceremonies. Tsodilo Hills, a place of spiritual significance to the San, is today a national monument and UNESCO World heritage site. However, the government’s rush to create conservation areas for tourism has impeded the San’s access to their lands and resources and their ability to practice their traditions. In neighboring areas, like the Kalahari, diamond mining is also cutting the San off their land and heritage. We aim to help these people regain their heritage and protect what is theirs. In exchange they help us heal. The San tribes are some of the most powerful healers, anywhere in the world. They believe the hills to be a mausoleum for ancestral spirits. You will forever be changed by Botswana in ways that will remain in your heart forever.
Why Iboga?
Most people have heard of Ayahuasca or even San Pedro, but Iboga is a bit more elusive to many.
Tabernanthe Iboga or Iboga for short is a perennial rainforest shrub and psychedelic found native to Western and Central Africa. Iboga translated means “to care for” or “to heal”. It has been used for centuries by traditional communities in West Africa as ceremonial rites of passage and healing purposes.
Traditionally in the Western world, Ibogaine gets used for the treatment of addictions. Mostly, opiates, amphetamines, alcohol, and even nicotine/tobacco. In Africa, they refer to Iboga as a master healer and has been long used as a medicine and a spiritual sacrament. Iboga is not only effective at breaking addictions but also a powerful ally in breaking destructive habits and behavior patterns. How many people, including even yourself that are addicted to a certain emotion, like fear, anxiety, depression. You may be addicted to repeating patterns in your life over and over, like bad relationships. Or, never being able to complete tasks, because of the story you may tell yourself, like “why bother you will never succeed, you will fail”. Most of us are addicted to patterns and it begins in our DNA, our epigenetics. Past experiences that we may not even be aware of that are from ancestral lineage, passed down through our DNA. According to experts in the field of behavioral epigenetics, traumatic experiences in our own past, or in our ancestor’s past, leave molecular scars that adhere to our DNA. Like silt from a half shucked ear of corn, our experiences and those of our ancestors, are never truly gone, even if they have been forgotten. What if your Grandmother’s predisposition for Depression was caused by the neglect she suffered as a newborn? What if this was part of your own molecular residue? What if this was something you could change?
Venturing on an Iboga journey is a personal and therapeutic experience, and it will tend to confront you with your past and elements of your shadow. For many iboga takes the form of a teacher…it is direct yet not overbearing, both powerful and gentle, having a soft touch while being straight to the point.
While under the influence of iboga the user views themselves in a detached state. One is able to view their lives without the full emotional intensity and attachment such experiences may hold. This allows one to process things without being emotionally overwhelmed. Iboga provides a full brain defrag. Many people view iboga as a profound way of pressing the reset button on life, and to provide a fresh start to enact change. After taking iboga it is easier to move in a different direction and gaining new healing perspectives on life.
How Our Iboga Experience is Different
When most people think of Iboga they think, harsh, the stern masculine medicine that gives you the harsh reality of your life and where you have taken the wrong road. Some describe it as scary and unpleasant.
Revela Retreats works with one of the most Globally known Shamans, who has worked on three continents. She has a number of years spent in the jungles of Gabon, learning from the pygmy tribes, their knowledge and practice of Iboga.
We offer a more gentle way to experience this powerful medicine. Microdosing entails using small doses daily and allowing the Iboga to build up in your system. Microdosing can provide many of the benefits of Iboga without the intensity of a journey.
Most times when people research Iboga or Ibogaine on the internet will find some horror stories of how people have died and it is a dangerous plant medicine. According to a study presented by Dr. Kenneth Alper, examing cases between 1992-2008 , it was found the deaths were caused by additional factors: contraindicated medical or psychiatric conditions (we list these on our password protected page), improper dose, inexperienced providers, self-administration or adulterated medicine.
It is helpful to understand the different forms of Iboga. Iboga root bark, total alkaloid iboga extract, and ibogaine
Iboga root bark is the natural plant, containing the ibogaine alkaloid as well as 11 other known alkaloids. The part that is psychoactive, is the root bark part of the plant. It can be taken in different forms, powder, tea, fresh shavings or a highly concentrated natural total alkaloid extract. Iboga is more ceremonial and this is what is given in the Revela Retreat ceremonies, either in micro dosing or full dose. The traditional providers using the plant for addiction purposes are using the total alkaloid extract form of Iboga. It is highly concentrated. Up to 65% of the total alkaloid extract consists of ibogaine, and there are at least 11 other alkaloids that have been identified.
Benefits of Iboga
- Enhanced awareness of unconscious and subconscious patterning. Iboga gives one much deeper insight into the structures of your thinking and habitual use of mind.
- Unlocking of past difficult patterns in the DNA inherited via epigenetics.
- Massive boosts to the brain and central nervous system
- Resetting of the reward pathways in the brain.
- Joy and feeling good as the Iboga gets converted into nor-ibogaine.
- Enhanced willpower- not from a place of force but from a place of understanding the barriers in the way to gracefully meeting the demands of life.
- Relief from trauma
What to Expect at the Retreat
Our Botswana retreat provides, exclusive unique experience with mobile safari. Our guests spend time in the heart of the bush experiencing nature up close. In the comfort of our luxury private safari camp, private guides and chef, you will lack for nothing while traveling with us.
Ceremony Night
We open the ceremony with a prayer and setting intentions. You will be asked prior to coming a list of questions you desire to have answers to. This will be important as your anchor during the journey. At all times during the ceremony you will be closely monitored by our experienced Shaman and support facilitators.
Visuals with Iboga are different than other hallucinogens. They are much more an expression of your subconscious and resemble an awake dream. They come in waves, the first wave, It involves de-fragmenting and some people describe it as a computer that they can see files being added and deleted in a rapid motion. The physical effects usually take place in the first 10-40 minutes. It can include nausea, vomiting, sometimes a motion sickness that may require you to lie down. Some anxiety or restless mind, due to some nervousness prior to ceremony. This is all very normal.
The first wave is 1-10 hours and you enter a form of waking dream state. Often the visuals here are linked to experiences of the past. Unlike Ayahuasca where changing positions, or if inside venturing outside gives you a different journey or visual, with Iboga it’s best to remain still. The two most important tenets of a journey with Iboga are stillness and surrender.
The second wave comes at the 10-12 hour period. Past events may be defragged and this is the time people describe seeing files of their life, like a motherboard of a computer with things that get deleted that no longer will serve you and additions are the new files that will help you become unstuck. Visuals during this time may be less frequent and less intense. This is the period where the illumination takes place. Some also describe it a the process of being rebirthed. The physical side effects also start to subside during this time as well.
The third wave is a period of more sleep. Your body becomes exhausted after the first two waves and by the third wave is ready for rest and sleep.
We recommend prior to ceremony setting intentions and writing down questions you want answers to. There may be conversations with your wiser self, about aspects of your life that have held you back from growth in all areas. You may be witness to the origins of how this has taken shape in your life. This provides you with the basic understanding of how to unravel these things.
The Teachings
Unlike other plant medicines, Iboga delivers a direct blunt approach. It teaches you what you have been doing wrong, makes you own it and gives you ways to improve. This is the biggest benefit with Iboga, the teachings can be extremely effective, but also quite difficult for those not ready to surrender. With this plant you do not get a choice, you must accept the lessons learned or it will make your journey more challenging.
Post Journey
Iboga journey can last up to 36 hours, so much longer than any other plant medicine. After taking Ibogaine it is difficult to sleep, many people stay awake for long hours after. Not able to sleep will produce some of the unwanted effects of the plant. The exhaustion, nausea, possible sadness and agitation. This is all purposeful as it keeps you firmly anchored in the real life experience and prevents the mind from confusing the journey from dreams. We will assist you with integration, and being immersed in nature after helps immensely. Once you sleep these symptoms disappear and you will most likely experience the afterglow effect, with profound illumination and new found awareness.
How to Prepare for an Iboga Ceremony
What to Expect and How to Prepare
Preparing physically is important as it will help to make the experience go more smoothly. We recommend avoiding these things:
- No illicit drugs three weeks prior to ceremony
- No fermented or yeasted food or drink three weeks prior since there could be a chemical conflict between tyramine and MAOIs
- No alcohol or pork for two weeks prior to ceremony
- No dairy, fried foods, caffeine, or sugar for two days prior to ceremony
- This plant medicine is to be taken very serious and getting an EKG and liver panel is required to ensure a smooth and safe ceremony. (Details will be included in your welcome package.)
- Medical Screening
This plant medicine is to be taken very serious and getting an EKG and liver panel will ensure a smooth and safe ceremony. This medicine can cause complications with the heart and liver requiring attention and intention to have all arrows pointing in a healthy direction. Most deaths that occur from the use of “holy wood” have highest risk for individuals with addictive tendencies who were taking higher doses than an individual taken in a psycho-spiritual context.
- Rest & Relaxation
Iboga requires an immense amount of energy and can last for 36 hours peaking for at least 12 hours. It also may reduce one’s ability to sleep for up to 48 hours. Be sure to get as much sleep beforehand and take as many naps as possible. Be gentle with yourself and nourish the body with restorative yoga and stretching. No rigorous exercising, be loving and kind to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs to create a profound transformation.
- Dietary Guidelines & Performance Boosters
During pre-ceremony preparations, boost the adrenals, liver, and mineral reserves. Magnesium and sea minerals are essential to overall relaxation and can be used pre, during, and post ceremony. Magnesium is essential, taking 250mg a day supports maintaining electrolyte balance and nervous system. Bloating and uncomfortable gas may occur with certain forms of magnesium.
At least 2-3 days before iboga ceremony, (longer the better) avoid using any substances like alcohol, psychedelics, stimulants, and anything that will put stress on your adrenals and liver. Taking these precautions seriously will enhance your overall experience. Avoid eating heavy foods containing high levels of fat, or dense meats to allow your body to feel lighter. Iboga can cause a mild constipation and recommend avoiding laxatives with stimulants. Some other preventative care can be established beforehand like taking probiotics.
- Understanding Dis-ease & Healing
The Bwiti culture understood holistic healing to be inclusive of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and have used Iboga as a rite of passage for bringing this heal-thy tool to their community. It is said in the West, our society has lost our ways of establishing a holistic rite of passage and is the reason why we are plagued with psychological illness epidemic leaking into all ways of our humanness. This medicine was used to provide an avenue for one to face their darkness with the guidance of their ancestors.
- Understanding Suffering & Fear
The suffering one may endure in an Iboga ceremony is said to be when someone chooses to fight the medicine. The ego creates the path of suffering and is a direct reflection of how you show up in life. The Bwiti culture say when you experience suffering you experience how your ego projects future suffering while resisting the present moment. What you resist, persists. Iboga teaches you about death and rebirth, how to die and how to live; illuminating how to navigate the depths of your psyche in order to reveal limiting beliefs, and to heal trauma that has been an affliction in your life. Some say because of how powerful Iboga is, it must be scary. This is only if your mind wants to allow it to be scary. Iboga is a teacher that allows you to be with yourself long enough to awaken to one’s true divinity and reveals the mirroring affect of life.
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We take these medicines and journeys seriously so we carefully vet each applicant to ensure the experience is right for you. We are committed to created life-changing experiences that are safe, well planned and every little detail considered. For your safety, it is imperative that you answer each question honestly and thoroughly. If you have questions, please check out our FAQ and feel free to ask questions anytime.
Meet Your Guides and Facilitators
We personally have scoured the world over, for the best locales, guides, experiences, products and experts to ensure we give our clients the most unique and bespoke experiences. We have personally vetted each and every person we collaborate with, which is truly part of our unique offering.