Journey With Revela Retreats
View all of our upcoming experiences.
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
Botswana & Zimbabwe
To Be Determined
Tulum Mexico
To Be Determined
Gabon, Africa
Summer of 2022
Our Philosophy
We take these medicines and journeys seriously so we carefully vet each applicant to ensure the experience is right for you. We are committed to created life-changing experiences that are safe, well planned and every little detail considered. For your safety, it is imperative that you answer each question honestly and thoroughly. If you have questions, please check out our FAQ and feel free to ask questions anytime.
Our Destinations
We have carefully chosen each destination that we feel will provide a unique experience and culture that will create the space for profound healing and transformation. We will say it again, we are all about life changing experiences and transformation. When our clients need to make major shifts, it’s important to stretch in all directions, even location. Being close to home, means familiarity. It means things you would experience, taste, smell, see are more akin to something you have already experienced. A true transformation begins, when one is often in a completely different, new and unfamiliar setting. We all cling to stability and comfort, but personal transformation requires you to step into new environments, meet new people and do things that you are not used to. This is where the evolution of change begins…..We guarantee it!
Work with Us One on One
Tracy “La Reina” – The work is like none other. If you have journeyed with plant medicines it was most likely with other people in a group setting. This is vastly different. This is one on one, focused completely on you and your healing. Tracy has a special gift of clairvoyance and can see things others often cannot. It is extremely healing and most people only need one session.
Tracy goes deep into the subconscious and becomes a conduit for messages that the sacred plant has to share. She works with either choco-aya or Iboga. Tracy uses her skills as a Sha-woman, hypnotherapist, clairvoyant, healer and PhD scientist to truly help someone uncover traumas, obstacles, negative patterns and behaviors that repeat and how to change them.
Ezriyah- “Ez” – Ez works with people one on one as well. These sessions are specifically intended to explore, shift, and cultivate your experience of intimacy with life.
These are for those of you who have been feeling ready to co-create an intentional space to drop into presence and expand your capacity to express your authentic self.
If you’re ready to experience the powerful healing that awaits you on the other side of your willingness be seen, witnessed, and to shift into a new chapter energetically via meditation, intuitive council, and energy healing/clearing; then this is your moment.
Contact us Today!
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Our Accommodations
Our retreats are held at exotic locales that provide a unique boutique experience where you can both be immersed in nature and be in luxurious comfort too. We also understand that transformation is messy and uncomfortable enough as it is, so we choose accommodations that offer a unique yet comfortable experience.
Our Ceremonies
We open the ceremony with a prayer and setting intentions. You will be asked prior to come with a list of questions you desire to have answers to. This will be important as your anchor during the journey. At all times during the ceremony you will be closely monitored by our experienced Shaman and support facilitators.
Our Facilitators & Shamans
Our facilitators and Shamans are carefully chosen because of their education and understanding of the medicines as well as their commitment to honoring the traditions and holding the integrity of the medicines. We personally have scoured the world over, for the best locales, guides, experiences, products and experts to ensure we give our clients the most unique and bespoke experiences. We have personally vetted each and every person we collaborate with, which is truly part of our unique offering.
Apply Today
Are you feeling called to journey with us?
We take these medicines and journeys seriously so we carefully vet each applicant to ensure the experience is right for you. We are committed to created life-changing experiences that are safe, well planned and every little detail considered. For your safety, it is imperative that you answer each question honestly and thoroughly. If you have questions, please check out our FAQ and feel free to ask questions anytime.